A series of factors influence the rates and speed of skin aging, such as: different ethnicities, whose skin aging is mainly related to differences in pigmentation; anatomical variations, age, pollution, excess sun exposure, lack of sleep, unbalanced diets, habits such as smoking and excessive drinking, lack of use of moisturizers and creams appropriate for one's age, and among all factors, one of the most An important player involved in the aging process is the hormonal system.
The endocrine (hormonal) system affects both male and female skin, however it is a particularly important system for women, as it produces and regulates hormones that affect the beauty of the skin and which decrease with age. Among the different hormones that affect the skin, the most important are estrogens, testosterone and hormones produced by the thyroid.

Estrogens are hormones produced in certain organs, such as the ovaries, and in smaller quantities by the adrenal glands. The relationship between estrogens and the skin is extremely important, as they affect thickness, the formation of wrinkles and skin moisture. Estrogens naturally increase the concentration of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for fluid balance and the structural integrity of the skin. And they also influence the increase in collagen production, which is involved in maintaining adequate epidermal thickness, allowing the skin to remain hydrated and wrinkle-free.
Likewise, a blockage or imbalance in the basic chakra (first chakra), which is linked to the adrenal glands, and mainly in the sexual chakra (second chakra), which is linked to the gonads (ovaries and testicles), causes dysfunctions in estrogen levels. in women, which will consequently accelerate the skin aging process. Testosterone is involved in the production of sebum in the skin, which is why women suffer from increased oiliness or adult acne when hormones become unbalanced during menstruation or menopause. The effects of androgens, such as testosterone, on the skin are important in both men and women, as both can experience the effects of altered androgen levels.
The thyroid gland produces two thyroid hormones that influence, among other things, dry skin. An excess of these hormones results in skin that sweats a lot and a lack of them results in dry and very thick skin, making sweating and the consequent elimination of toxins difficult.
The sixth chakra (coronary), when out of balance, also affects the beauty of the skin, as it controls the production of estrogen by other glands.
Did you see how important it is to balance your energy centers if you want to have really beautiful skin? Bach flower remedies and orgonites are powerful tools for this balance and, consequently, for the beauty of your skin.