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Bach flower remedies quickly change your negative behavior and thought patterns

Writer's picture: Simone DgsSimone Dgs

Bach flower remedies transform negative thoughts, which generate negative emotions, into positive thoughts, which generate positive emotions. The vibrational frequency originating from flower essences acts to rebalance not only at the level of consciousness, but also at the unconscious level. In this way, with the use of Bach flower remedies, we can actually change behavior patterns that have already been ingrained for a long time and replace limiting beliefs.

Perhaps this explains why some of my clients say, for example, that with just 4 months of floral therapy, they achieved the changes they so desired, and that they were unable to achieve with 4 years of follow-up by a psychologist. Yes, psychologist support is very important in many cases, but in itself, it is very difficult to change behavior that is programmed in the unconscious. Because 95% of our mental programs are in the unconscious mind and very few tools, therapeutic techniques, can change this state, which is necessary if you really want to change a standard behavior or reaction. Hypnosis and Bach flower remedies are examples of these tools, capable of altering the unconscious mental state.

There is no point in becoming aware of what needs to be changed, what needs to be changed. She will identify and feel increasingly guilty when she repeats the same mistakes, the same patterns and is unable to change. Because that is at an unconscious level, and as much as she wants, just at the conscious level, at the level of thought, to have positive thinking, to know how she should act, it will be extremely difficult to change. By itself, just by being aware of what needs to be done, it will need a lot of persistence and determination to create the force of habit, capable of "reprogramming" the unconscious. And that can be quite painful sometimes. The root of the problem is in the unconscious and that is where we need to act.

The programming of your mind began in the last trimester of pregnancy and was very intense from 0 to 7 years of age, after that the programming is much smaller. So, it can be said that the first seven years of life are the years of programming what will be in the subconscious, after this age, it is basically repetition, “autopilot” mode. This is very significant as 95% of your life comes from the subconscious. And this gives even more meaning to that phrase: “We pass adulthood, healing the wounds of childhood”.

Thoughts and desires come from the conscious mind, which is your creative mind. But, many times, for you to behave the way you want, or feel what you would like in certain situations, is very difficult, and ends up demanding a lot of effort and work on your part. This happens because your aspirations and desires are not in accordance with the programs of your subconscious mind! So, the key to changing any pattern behavior or eliminating limiting beliefs is to reprogram your subconscious programs, so that our conscious desires are actually fulfilled!

Do you really want to transform your limiting beliefs, your patterns of behavior and thoughts? So “reprogram” your unconscious! And Bach flower remedies, as they act at this level of the unconscious, are powerful tools for this “reprogramming”.

Text by Dr. Simone Dealtry, with scientific bases from articles by Dr. Bruce Lipton

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