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Formula that brings energy and disposition. Recommended for physical and mental fatigue How to use: take 4 drops sublingually, 4 times a day for 30 days, or add 8 drops to 500 ml of water and drink throughout the day, for 30 days.


Composition: Mineral water, 20% Brandy, and Bach flower remedies Clematis, Gorse, Hornbeam, Olive and Wild Rose.


The combination of these 5 florals brings a very wonderful and noticeable “up” in mood, spirit and energy. Hornbeam floral works on physical tiredness caused by mental fatigue, bringing more physical energy, disposition, removing the person from the state of “laziness” and procrastination, bringing the necessary disposition to accomplish what you need and would like to do; to put the objectives into practice. The Olive flower is considered the “Red Bull”, the energetic of Bach flower remedies, bringing a lot of vital, physical energy, and is even indicated for the recovery of health after an illness. It is a flower that increases immunity naturally, as it stimulates production of cells by the thymus gland. The Gorse and Wild Rose florals are very powerful for restoring mood, mental, physical and emotional disposition, eliminating apathy. And finally, the Clematis flower helps us maintain focus and attention in the present moment, which avoids the enormous waste of energy with thoughts and attention focused on the future.


This product is exempt from Anvisa registration according to Law 6360, of 9/23/76. LETTER MS/SVS/GABIN/Nº 479/98, OF OCTOBER 23, 1998.

ENERGETIC LOKRAM Bach Flower Remedies

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