Orgonites: what they are and how they work
Do you know orgonites? More than pieces to decorate environments or enhance our personal style, when used in jewelry, orgonites are true transmuters of negative energy into positive energy. Orgonites are capable of removing heavy, stagnant energies from the environment.
The pieces are made with metal, quartz and resin. The function of crystals is to convert negative energies into positive ones, while the function of metal is to attract orgone energy, while resin holds this energy.
What is orgone energy?
Orgone energy was disclosed by doctor and scientist Wilhelm Reich in the 1930s. Reich thus named the vital energy, prana, which plays a very important role in the vital function of all living beings.
Reich carried out successful experiments on treatment with orgone energy for more than ten years, studying its distribution and concentration in human beings. His volunteers were able to report improvements in insomnia, depression and cancer.
How can orgonites be used?
Among the many uses of orgonites, they can be placed in environments to neutralize radiation from cell phones, televisions and microwaves, which is harmful to health; use as pendants for purification; in treatments for energetic healing of various diseases; placed near the bed to improve sleep quality; among other uses.
Energy balance therapy with orgonites is recognized as a complementary medicine treatment for numerous diseases. Your emotional and physical health will benefit greatly.
How does the therapeutic session with orgonites work?
The energy balance and alignment session of the 7 chakras with the orgonites lasts, on average, 40 minutes in total.
Each of the seven orgonites will be placed, for 20 minutes, on each of the seven chakras along the spine, with the client lying face up. At the end of this process, you will have the alignment of the seven main chakras and a very noticeable feeling of well-being and relaxation.
The identification of which chakra(s) are out of balance is carried out using a muscle balancing technique at the beginning of the session. After 20 minutes with the orgonites, a new muscle balance is performed, to check the rebalancing of the chakras that were misaligned or blocked.
Therapeutic Session with Orgonites
Who can use orgonites?
Babies, children, adults and the elderly: everyone can use orgonites!
Therapeutic session with Orgonites for babies, children and adults
Chakra 3 – (Solar Plexus Chakra / Umbilical / Manipura)
Citrus – Balances the digestive system. Heartburn, poor digestion, gastritis, ulcers, hangover. It is the foundation stone of the solar plexus chakra.
Sulfur – For problems with the urinary tract, bladder, cystitis. It is the stone of protection for both personal and environmental energy.
Chakra 4 – (Heart Chakra / Anahata)
Malachite – Healing stone. Enhances the healing power of any other stone. It absorbs pain and illness, so it is good to place it on painful places. Main stone to help in the treatment of cancer. Absorbs microwave and cell phone radiation. Protects against traffic accidents. Rolling is more effective.
Rose Quartz – Stone of forgiveness, consolation and self-esteem, of unconditional love.
Chakra 5 – (Laryngeal Chakra / Throat / Vishudda)
Aquamarine – It is the stone of the voice. Protects the throat, larynx, thyroid and breathing. Treats high fever, sinusitis, sore throat, rhinitis and high blood pressure. It connects with our own Angelic essence.
Blue Lace Agate – For pain in the neck and neck, simply place it on top of the throat chakra. Strengthens nails and is good for cramps. Work on self-pity. It is the stone for children and our inner child.
Chakra 6 – (Front Chakra / Ajna)
Azurite – Works on beliefs, opens perception, great for memory and concentration.
Good to have by your side when studying and learning.
Lapis Lazuli – Makes you look inward, bringing introspection. Brings inner peace and calms thoughts.
Carnelian – Gives energy of fire, movement, action, impulse, courage. If your period is late, make sure it arrives. It takes care of the sexual organs, both male and female. It is revitalizing and great for impotence.
Aragonite – Brings centering. It's great for those who have cold hands and feet.
Chakra 2 – (Sexual Chakra / Sacral Chakra / Svadhisthana)
Zircon – Cleanses the aura of impurities. Strengthens and gives energy. Red Jasper – great for blood circulation.
Hematite – It is the best “anchor” there is. Brings balance. Good for dizziness, labyrinthitis, vertigo, heights. It acts as a ground wire carrying excess energy to the ground. It brings to the physical what the spirit has experienced. Together with amethyst it helps with sleep. Align the column. Good for meditation.
Chakra 1 (Basic Chakra / Root Chakra / Muladhara)
Chakra 7 – (Crown Chakra / Sahasrara)
Amethyst – meditation, relaxation, relieves mental tension and insomnia. Treats restless sleep and nightmares. White quartz (colorless) – mental peace, tranquility and energetic balance.
Main benefits of orgonite:
Orgonite slows down cellular aging
Increases physical vitality, feeling of youth and enthusiasm
Relaxes, rests and brings mood, improves sleep quality, treats insomnia
It helps a lot, in a complementary way, in the treatment of depression and weaknesses
Helps reduce stress
Orgonite activates mental alertness improving learning and idea generation
Helps to renew and recover tissues (injuries, wounds, cuts, fractures, etc…).
Helps balance body rhythms (hunger, thirst, sleep, digestion and evacuation)
Helps regulate sexual functions
Improves motor coordination
Strengthens immunity (resistance) to diseases
Relieves muscle pain
It greatly alleviates the suffering of cancer patients as an adjunct to medical treatment, which should not be abandoned.
****Very Important: Orgonite does not replace medical treatment, which should not be interrupted in any way